
Disclaimer ZomerSummer Netherlands

The terms of this disclaimer apply to this website ZomerSummer.nl.

By visiting this website and/or using the information provided on or via this website, you agree to the applicability of this disclaimer.

Use of this website ZomerSummer Nederland

The information on this website is intended solely as general information. No rights can be derived from the information on this website. Although ZomerSummer Nederland takes care in compiling and maintaining this website and uses sources that are considered reliable, we cannot guarantee the correctness, completeness and topicality of the information provided. ZomerSummer Nederland does not guarantee that the website will function without errors or interruptions or that it will be free of viruses. ZomerSummer Nederland expressly rejects any liability with regard to the correctness, completeness, topicality of the information provided and the (undisturbed) use of this website.

Third Party Information, Products and Services

The website of ZomerSummer Nederland contains links to third party websites. We accept no liability and no responsibility for the content, use or availability of third party websites. The use of such links is at your own risk. The information on such websites has been compiled by ZomerSummer Nederland with all due care, but has not been further assessed for accuracy, reasonableness, topicality or completeness. You are responsible for this yourself.

Intellectual property

The use of the information on this website is free as long as you do not copy, distribute or otherwise use or misuse this information. You may only reuse the information on this website in accordance with the regulations of mandatory law.

Without the express written permission of ZomerSummer Nederland it is not permitted to reuse text, photo material or other materials on this website. The intellectual property rests with ZomerSummer Nederland.

If applicable: For the prices on our website, we strive for the most accurate possible representation of reality and the intended prices. Errors that arise and are recognizable as programming or typing errors, never form a reason to claim or assume a contract or agreement with ZomerSummer Nederland.

ZomerSummer Nederland strives for a website that is as up-to-date as possible. If, despite these efforts, the information or content on this website is incomplete and/or incorrect, we cannot accept any liability for this.

The information and/or products on this website are offered without any form of guarantee and/or claim to correctness. We reserve the right to change, remove or re-post these materials without any prior notice. ZomerSummer Nederland accepts no liability for any information on websites to which we refer via hyperlinks.


ZomerSummer Nederland reserves the right to change the information offered on or via this website, including the text of this disclaimer, at any time without further notice. It is recommended to periodically check whether the information offered on or via this website, including the text of this disclaimer, has changed.

Responsible Disclosure

It may unexpectedly happen that there is a weak spot in one of our systems. If you discover a security problem, we ask you to report it to us as soon as possible.

If you discover a vulnerability, do not exploit it by, for example:

  • Placing malware;
  • The copying, modification, or deletion of data or configurations from a system.

We appreciate your help and trust.